Apple's Object capture

We are currently using Apple's Object capture module and wonder if it would be possible to collect the following data : Device information Current translation / rotation Focal length embedded to the image headers GPS localisation information. Information about the exposure time White balances and the color correction matrices

We also have 2 additional questions : Is there an option to block close up accomodation of the camera ? Is there a way for the object capture module to take a video instead of a series of picture ?

Hi @MdaVinci8,

Depending on how you receive the data you can use the CMSampleBuffer's attachments to get the camera intrinsic matrix.

Once the images are captured and written to the camera roll or exported to a directory you can get an estimate of the intrinsics from the FocalLenIn35mmFilm EXIF data in the image. That value can be used to get an estimate of the intrinsics but it will not be as accurate as what's available during capture from the CMSampleBuffer.

Apple's Object capture