Where is the file to localize Custom iOS Target Properties user provided text data? Or better yet, what tags can be used in iTMSTransporter to provide the proper text for each target language? Xcode creates the necessary Localizable.string (chosen Lang.) files for text associated with the developer's app just fine. But how and where to provide iOS sys data isn't evident. For example, an iOS system dialogue popup screens asking for express permission of the user. e.g. microphone usage. Part of the popup's text is in the devices' language. But the text string the developer provides for the Custom iOS Target Properties key "Privacy – Microphone Usage Description" remains in the developer's language. Even though the app's been "Localized".
Okay . . . how to getter' don': Presuming the app has already been well Localized with numerous foreign languages, and the string values of the Custom iOS Target Properties keys are in the developer's native language. I'm going to continue on with some other assumptions such as: developer's lang. is en-US, Xcode ver is 8.3.1, we're going to provide for microphone usage and camera usage a.k.a. permissions, and we're going to support French, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), and Turkish speaking end users.
Because you have already enabled localization for fr-FR, es-ES, es-MX, and tk, you can also see in the left pane the drop down section titled: InfoPlist.Strings with the following files listed inside it: InfoPlist.strings (English), InfoPlist.strings (French), InfoPlist.strings (Spanish), InfoPlist.strings (Spanish) (Mexico), InfoPlist.strings (Turkish)
Your're going to need to transpose the keys noted in your Custom iOS Target Properties area from their "Xcode name" to the cocoa "Key name" Use the Information Property List Key Reference page as your reference guide. First seek out Xcode name text: “Privacy - Microphone Usage Description” and copy the cocoa Key name, NSMicrophoneUsageDescription, to your InfoPlist.Strings (English) file. Use Apple's example of Localizing the App Name and Copyright Notice in French as a style guide.
Continuing on with the example, your files should end up look like the following:
InfoPlist.strings (English)
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys*/
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "The microphone is used by this app to enable speech recognition.";
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "The camera is used by this app to process QR codes.";
InfoPlist.strings (French)
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys*/
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Le microphone est utilisé par cette application pour activer la reconnaissance vocale.";
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "L'appareil est utilisé par cette application pour traiter les codes QR.";
InfoPlist.strings (Spanish)
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys*/
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "El micrófono es utilizado por esta aplicación para permitir el reconocimiento de voz.";
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "La cámara es utilizado por esta aplicación para procesar los códigos QR.";
InfoPlist.strings (Spanish) (Mexico)
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys*/
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "El micrófono es utilizado por esta aplicación para permitir el reconocimiento de voz.";
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "La cámara es utilizado por esta aplicación para procesar los códigos QR.";
InfoPlist.strings (Turkish)
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys English */
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Mikrofon konuşma tanıma etkinleştirmek için bu uygulama tarafından kullanılıyor.";
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Kamera QR kodlarını işlemek için bu uygulama tarafından kullanılıyor.";
And that is how I provided for Localization of my Custom iOS Target Properties keys.