Unable to reset simulators

I'm unable to reset simulators using the menu or the xcrun simctl tool:

<output of xcrun simctl list>

== Devices ==
-- iOS 17.5 --
    iPhone SE (3rd generation) (5A06623A-173D-4C96-8DD3-3E9FE39A06F1) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 15 (iOS 17.5) (F4329E8D-29BB-4EA7-8465-C11A98D04ED7) (Shutdown)
-- iOS 18.0 --
    iPhone SE (3rd generation) (2DDE8F03-F8E1-4C1B-8E28-CD9B208F3FFA) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 16 Pro (DE788688-8AC6-40A0-B25C-A56AA423798E) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 16 Pro Max (1405184C-36A9-40F3-B0D0-4EEB88452883) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 16 (0CBBA7DB-B20E-4F17-BBC5-910F1F6E1A0A) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 16 Plus (95421C27-11A0-4FCF-A889-DAAE8557B271) (Shutdown)
== Device Pairs ==

<output of trying to erase the simulator>

❯ xcrun simctl erase 0CBBA7DB-B20E-4F17-BBC5-910F1F6E1A0A
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain, code=513):
“data” couldn’t be moved because you don’t have permission to access “Deleting-8FEDFF47-5B2F-4534-BCA2-036BBE68CE37”.
You don’t have permission.
To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
Underlying error (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=1):
	The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted
	Operation not permitted

Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) MacOS 15.0.1 (24A348)

Created feedback FB15675265 for this issue.

I experience the same issue. System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_iOSSimulatorRuntime/... contains a large 10GB image of the newest IOS version and it cannot be deleted through Xcode or through commands because it is protected by SIP.

I've got it even worse. There are 22 different .dmg files in System/LIbrary/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAssetXXX on my system, cumulatively taking up more than 200gb of my system space. Nearly all of them appear to be runtimes for simulators I don't even have installed any more; there are eight of them for VisionOS alone.

This is crippling my system, since that's more than 20% of my drive! (In fact, I noticed the problem in the first place because installs were failing with "out of disk space" errors).

Unable to reset simulators