Unable to view individual non-crash reports: Please provide a valid value

I have been unable to view individual reports for some time now. I can view crash reports and I can view the list of all the other report types (Disk Writes, Energy, Hangs, and Launches), but all individual reports (which would contain the backtrace etc.) show an error:

Failed to Download Energy Logs

An error occurred while downloading energy reports. Please provide a valid value.

This happens on macOS 14.7, macOS 15.0.1, Xcode 15.1, Xcode 15.3, Xcode 16.0, Xcode 16.1, and Xcode 16.2 beta 1, across 2 different Macs. Other people on my team can view the same reports.

I'm starting to think this is something to do with how my account is setup. I'm an admin on the App Store Connect account so I don't think it's a permissions issue.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 811652022

Based on the tags you applied to this question, I presume this is the Xcode Organizer window where you are seeing this? If so, please open a bug report for the Xcode Organizer with your Developer Team ID and the numeric Apple App ID, and then post the number here so we can investigate.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Based on the tags you applied to this question, I presume this is the Xcode Organizer window where you are seeing this? If so, please open a bug report for the Xcode Organizer with your Developer Team ID and the numeric Apple App ID, and then post the number here so we can investigate.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Hi Ed, I'm experiencing a similar issue. Could you please help me? I submitted the bug report with id: FB16670749

Unable to view individual non-crash reports: Please provide a valid value