StoreKit Configuration Syncing wrong file.

On Xcode 16 and 16.1 the StoreKit Configuration file is syncing rejected Subscription in status "In Review" but not the new one "Waiting Review "

What are the rules to which file will be synced ?

Answered by jezekilj in 813175022

It has been resolved on my side on Xcode 16.1. The issue was that the subscription has to be in certain status (not In Review) to appear synced. After clearing the subscription group from rejected submissions and having only new ready to submit I was able to perform sandbox and TestFlight tests. The file is synced correctly.

Xcode 16 seems to have broken some things with regard to SKConfiguration file syncing. I have been unable to get mine to sync at all since the upgrade.

Thanks. Me too.

Accepted Answer

It has been resolved on my side on Xcode 16.1. The issue was that the subscription has to be in certain status (not In Review) to appear synced. After clearing the subscription group from rejected submissions and having only new ready to submit I was able to perform sandbox and TestFlight tests. The file is synced correctly.

Same problem. App is 'waiting for review'. Sync fails silently.

Written by jezekilj in 813175022
StoreKit Configuration Syncing wrong file.