Image Playground Stuck Downloading support

My Playground app has been stuck at Downloading support for Image Playground now for about 4-5 days. I've reinstalled the app, restarted phone multiple times, reset network settings 2-3 times. Tried LTE/5G and Different WIFI networks and it still sat showing Downloading Support.

Anyone else having this issue?

Having the same issue. Hasn't been 4-5 days, but I've been stuck on the "downloading support for image playground" now for a good 24 hours. Tried most of the same stuff, nothing...

I used image playground for two images as I got access today. I tried to make another. I can see the two I have made but if I try to do anything else I get the same screen saying “downloading support for image playground” I can access the two images I made but that’s all

I was able to get back in. I restarted my phone, then I noticed I was logged out of my feedback app so I logged back into that and playground is working now. Hope this helps.

Same for me. Now about 5 days. Started right after updating to latest developer beta.

Thanks BigDaddy8719. Followed your steps, restarted the phone and logged in to feedback app and wala.

Same issue

I’ve been stuck for a literal month now. On 1st of November, this screen appeared. Not a single thing works. Not even rebooting and logging into the feedback app, neither is a reinstall helping. No idea what to do anymore.

Have the same issue, tried just about everythin, what is the fees back app?

I know mine too. Siri intelligence is not downloading stuck for second day. last update ihas a lot glitc

Same issue. Logging into Feedback Assistant didn’t solve it for me. Image playground worked when I had the first dev beta. After updating with the production release, image playground and Gemini no longer work. Everything says it’s downloading while nothing is being downloaded.

So, I had the same issue despite doing EVERYTHING I could find online to fix the issue. The only thing that worked was I made sure I backed up to iCloud. Then, I erased my phone completely and restored from backup.

Annoying? Yes. But… at least restoring an iPhobe from iCloud backup is easy. Just takes a while to download and restore depending on your wifi speed.

Just did that tonight and it worked.

Is this bogarting are bandwidth and why is it not being answered? Turned my new iphone into a brick.

I turned Apple Intelligence off. Not sure if it helped.

same here got software update on macos15.2 the app worked for 2 days and after that is gone

Image Playground Stuck Downloading support