CryptoKit equivalent for pk_to_curve25519

Hello, I have a public key of type Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey that I create from the raw representation using: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey(rawRepresentation: Data(base64Encoded: "08sYq4gExgX+UApEwLaASkE+TZjAxG1FPYaT+mj2irk=")!)

I'm trying to convert that key to a curve, but I don't see an equivalent function in CryptoKit for the Javascript function pk_to_curve25519. Can someone please help?

For completeness, I'm trying to implement the handshake protocol that's a part of secure scuttlebutt.

Written by nuttwork in 768831021
I'm trying to convert that key to a curve, but I don't see an equivalent function in CryptoKit for the Javascript function pk_to_curve25519.

I’m not familiar with that routine, and a ’net for search pk_to_curve25519 turned up nothing. Can you point me to its documentation?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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CryptoKit equivalent for pk_to_curve25519