Genmoji/Playground “Persons” list

Hey, has anyone figured out how the “Persons” list in Genmoji/Playground actually works?

I’ve had a strange experience so far. When I first got access during Beta 2, the list randomly included about 10–15 people, even though my photo library contains many more recognizable faces. To try fixing this, I started naming faces in the Photos app, hoping they’d be added to the Genmoji/Playground list, but nothing changed.

Then, after updating to Beta 3, it added just 2–3 of the people I had named. Encouraged, I spent about an hour naming all the faces in my library. But a few hours later, the list unexpectedly removed around 10 people, leaving me with fewer than I had initially.

I’ve also read that leaving the phone locked and plugged into power should help sort people in the library, but that hasn’t worked for me yet.

Anyone else experienced this or found a way to make it work? Thanks!

Same here

Genmoji/Playground “Persons” list