How to add CIFilter to AVCaptureDeferredPhotoProxy


I m trying to implement deferred photo processing in my photo capture app. After I take a photo, I pass it through a CIFilter, now with the Deferred Photo Processing where would I pass the resulting photo through the CIFilter?

Since there is no way for me to know when the system has finished processing a photo.

If I have to do it in my app foreground every time, how do I prevent a scenario, where the user takes a photo, heads straight to the Photos App and sees the image without the filter?


I would appreciate any help with this

Hello @knightbenax,

Thanks for reaching out about this!

You cannot filter the deferred photo proxy.

Instead, you would do the following:

  1. Create a PHAsset using the deferred photo proxy.
  2. Add the asset to the photo library.
  3. Use requestContentEditingInput(with:completionHandler:) to edit the asset, this is where you would use your filter.

If you would like to filter the deferred photo proxy before it ever reaches the photo library, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant.

Best regards,


How to add CIFilter to AVCaptureDeferredPhotoProxy