Deriving Apple Place ID from CLPlacemark or MKMapItem

I am trying to derive the Apple Place ID from a CLPlacemark (or via a MKMapItem derived from it) created via either CLGeocoder().reverseGeocodeLocation() or CLGeocoder().geocodeAddressString(). In many cases, the placemark returned from these functions contains detailed information (name, address, coordinates, etc), implying that the Apple Place ID is known, but the identifier is not present.

The only way I have found to get a Place ID is via MKLocalSearch. Wondering if I am missing something here.

Often I've found the Place ID is missing in MKLocalSearch too. I wish there was a consistent way to obtain it.

I have the same question. Basically Apple explains how to use the Place ID rather than fetching them. They did shared the single look up tool but it's useless for a developer.

Deriving Apple Place ID from CLPlacemark or MKMapItem