Push Notification towards APP that don't belongs to my developer account

Hi All, i read the documentation regarding APN and related API, but i didn't understand if, from my server, i can send push notification to every application or only to applications that belongs my developer account. I try to better explain my needs: the enviroment regards voip communications, my sip server is asterisk based and i want to wrote a script to wakeup device just before send a call to it. On mobile device, i use a generic app taken from the apple store. At the moment i am using linphone. When linphone starts, it registrer with APNs and send to the asterisk server pn-* data. In the pn-params it sends the teamid (ABCD1234) and bundleid (org.linphone.phone). In my script, i have taken the teamid/bundleid retrieved from the linhpone app, i have generated a Key from my developer account and used it to authenticate to APN, but i got always InvalidProviderToken. So my question is: is it possibile to send notification to application that i didn't own? or the InvliadProviderToken has nothing related to this and simply i am doing something wrong with key authentication?

This is absolutely not possible. If sending notifications to random apps were possible, this would be a total spam hell.

You can only send notifications to apps that belong to you, or to apps whose owners have decided to let you do so by sharing their APNs key with you.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

Push Notification towards APP that don't belongs to my developer account