We are working on one product, with three independent code bases, one each for iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS. Functionality is basically the same for each device version and they sync between each other. Can we use one name for these three versions - as, for example apps from Adobe, Microsoft and Apple do?
Product Naming Across OS
You can. Whether you should is a different matter (-:
What you’re suggesting is called a universal purchase [1], and it has various pros and cons. Most notably, if the user buys your app for one platform, they get it for all. And likewise for in-app purchases and subscriptions.
I generally recommend that you do go down the universal purchase path because it’s super convenient for users. However, whether to do this or not is kind of a business decision at your end.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] Not to be confused with a Universal App.