After restarting Mac, local network permission is invalid

Hi, my app makes tcp connection successfully on macOS 15. But, after restarting Mac, the app fails to make tcp connection.

The app is allowed in Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network.

If I deny it and then allow it again, the app can make tcp connection successfully.

Is it a macOS Sequoia bug?

I’ve seen a report of this before but I’m not been able to reproduce the problem. I just tried it again (reusing the setup I created for this thread) and the local network privacy state persisted across a restart just fine.

Is your app signed with a stable signing identity? A common cause of issues like this is folks testing with ad hoc signed code (Signed to Run Locally in Xcode parlance).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, my app is notarized.


Can you share a link for that download? I’d love to try this myself.

If you have problems posting your link, see tip 14 in the Quinn’s Top Ten DevForums Tips.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hi Quinn,

I have exactly the same problem on macOS 15.1 and the latest 15.2.

Install the app, first time it accesses the local network the dialog appears. I grant permission and Local Network access works.

Reboot the machine, launch the app, now local network access fails.

Go into System Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Local Network and I can see my app as Local Network permission.

Toggle it off and back on, and local network access starts working again.

Happy to provide a copy of my app, it doesn't require a licence.

Regards James Milne FilmLight Ltd.

The error I get in Console is:

nw_path_libinfo_path_check [4976A259-3720-4B3C-BB42-62A331B959A6 IPv4#78ff62aa:1997 tcp, legacy-socket, attribution: developer] libinfo check path: unsatisfied (Local network prohibited), interface: en0, ipv4

After restarting Mac, local network permission is invalid