DocumentGroup Fails to Display Document Content in Mac Catalyst App

When running a Mac Catalyst app that uses DocumentGroup, the app fails to display the document content. The document picker works as expected, but creating a new document or opening an existing one results in an empty window. This issue occurs regardless of whether “Optimize for Mac” or “Scale iPad” is selected.

Steps to Reproduce: 1. Download the sample project provided by Apple for building a document-based app in SwiftUI. 2. Delete the macOS version of the project. 3. Add a Mac Catalyst version of the app. 4. In the Mac Catalyst settings, select “Optimize for Mac” (the bug also appears if it is “Scale iPad”). 5. Run the project on macOS.

Expected Result: The app should correctly display the content of the document when creating or opening it.

Actual Result: The app opens an empty window when a new document is created or an existing one is opened.

Impact: We have received multiple 1-star reviews, and our retention has dropped by two-thirds due to this issue.

Environment: Xcode 16.1; macOS 15.1 & 15.2 (on 15.0 it works fine)

Has anyone experienced the same issue? I filed multiple reports so far.

I filed multiple reports so far.

Assuming that the reports you filed were bug reports, would you mind to share the report IDs? I'd like to use them to check the staus and see if there is something I can share.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

I have the same problem. The document group closure which returns the ContentView seems never to be executed. This is a problem for Mac Catalyst and for directly executed iOS applications on Apple Silicon macs (Designed for iPad).

The problem can be reproduced with the template document based SwiftUI iOS application.

DocumentGroup Fails to Display Document Content in Mac Catalyst App