metal-cpp syntax for MTL::Buffer float2 parameter

I'm trying to pass a buffer of float2 items from CPU to GPU.

In the kernel, I can provide a parameter for the buffer:

device const float2* values

for example.

How do I specify float2 as the type for the MTL::Buffer?

I managed to get the code to work by "cheating" by defining a simple class that has the same data members as a float2, but there is probably a better way.

class Coord_f { public: float x{0.0f}; float y{0.0f}; };

then using code to allocate like this:

NS::TransferPtr(device->newBuffer(n_elements * sizeof(Coord_f), MTL::ResourceStorageModeManaged))

The headers for metal-cpp do not appear to define vector objects like float2, but I'm doubtless missing something.


Answered by metallic in 820005022

Thanks for your help Ceylo; that definitely got me on the right track. In case this helps someone else, here are some additional notes.

It turns out that, for C++, the simd_prefix is not required. Instead simply specify the namespace simd::

So in the .cpp file use simd::float2, and use plain float2 in the .metal file.

As Ceylo indicated, #include <simd/simd.h> in the .cpp file.

It looks like you're looking for the simd_float2 type from <simd/simd.h>.

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your help Ceylo; that definitely got me on the right track. In case this helps someone else, here are some additional notes.

It turns out that, for C++, the simd_prefix is not required. Instead simply specify the namespace simd::

So in the .cpp file use simd::float2, and use plain float2 in the .metal file.

As Ceylo indicated, #include <simd/simd.h> in the .cpp file.

metal-cpp syntax for MTL::Buffer float2 parameter