Comparing colors of two ModelEntities

I want to compare the colors of two model entities (spheres). How can i do it? The method i'm currently trying to apply is as follows

case let .color(controlColor) = controlMaterial.baseColor, controlColor == .green {
            // Flip target sphere colour
if let targetMaterial = targetsphere.model?.materials.first as? SimpleMaterial,
               case let .color(targetColor) = targetMaterial.baseColor, targetColor == .blue {
                targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .green, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |1⟩
            } else {
                targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |0⟩

This method (baseColor) was deprecated in swift 15.0 changes to 'color' but i cannot compare the value color to each other.👾

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 820453022

Hello @SuyashBel

The .color property of SimpleMaterial is of type SimpleMaterial.BaseColor (which is itself a typealias for PhysicallyBasedMaterial.BaseColor), which is a struct with two properties: .texture and .tint. You can use this .tint property to check the color of your ModelEntity.

Here is some example code to get you started:

// Keep a reference to the blue SimpleMaterial you created when you first insantiated your Entity
let blueMat: SimpleMaterial = .init(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)
let greenMat: SimpleMaterial = .init(color: .green, isMetallic: false)

// This function toggles the material of an Entity
func toggleMaterial(entity: Entity) {
    let isBlue = isBlue(entity: entity)

    guard var model = entity.components[ModelComponent.self] else {
    if isBlue {
        model.materials[0] = greenMat
    } else {
        model.materials[0] = blueMat

// Check if an Entity is blue by comparing the tint of its material with the tint of your cached material.
func isBlue(entity: Entity) -> Bool {
    guard let model = entity.components[ModelComponent.self], let modelMat: SimpleMaterial = model.materials.first as? SimpleMaterial else {
        return false
    // NOTE: modelMat.color.tint == .blue will always fail, because has a different color space than SimpleMaterial.color.tint
    return modelMat.color.tint == blueMat.color.tint
Accepted Answer

Hello @SuyashBel

The .color property of SimpleMaterial is of type SimpleMaterial.BaseColor (which is itself a typealias for PhysicallyBasedMaterial.BaseColor), which is a struct with two properties: .texture and .tint. You can use this .tint property to check the color of your ModelEntity.

Here is some example code to get you started:

// Keep a reference to the blue SimpleMaterial you created when you first insantiated your Entity
let blueMat: SimpleMaterial = .init(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)
let greenMat: SimpleMaterial = .init(color: .green, isMetallic: false)

// This function toggles the material of an Entity
func toggleMaterial(entity: Entity) {
    let isBlue = isBlue(entity: entity)

    guard var model = entity.components[ModelComponent.self] else {
    if isBlue {
        model.materials[0] = greenMat
    } else {
        model.materials[0] = blueMat

// Check if an Entity is blue by comparing the tint of its material with the tint of your cached material.
func isBlue(entity: Entity) -> Bool {
    guard let model = entity.components[ModelComponent.self], let modelMat: SimpleMaterial = model.materials.first as? SimpleMaterial else {
        return false
    // NOTE: modelMat.color.tint == .blue will always fail, because has a different color space than SimpleMaterial.color.tint
    return modelMat.color.tint == blueMat.color.tint
Comparing colors of two ModelEntities