It appears that there is a size limit when training the Tabular Classification model in CreatML. When the training data is small, the training process completes smoothly after a specified period. However, as the data volume increases, the following issues occur: initially, the training process indicates that it is in progress, but after approximately 24 hours, it is automatically terminated after an hour. I am certain that this is not a manual termination by myself or others, but rather an automatic termination by the machine. This issue persists despite numerous attempts, and the only message displayed is “Training Canceled.”
I would appreciate it if someone could explain the reason behind this behavior and provide a solution. Thank you for your assistance.
CreatML stop training
You may have run out of memory. How many training/validation examples you used? It'd helpful if you can file a radar with your data, along with macOS/Xcode versions so we can reproduce.