TabularData framework lets you import, organize, and export a table of data. It’s great when you’re training a machine learning model but it’s a handy tool in many other scenarios as well.
DevForums tag: TabularData
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RSS for tagImport, organize, and prepare a table of data to train a machine learning model.
Posts under TabularData tag
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My project loads a CSV into a DataFrame and displays it in a Table (a MacOS app). So far so good ... but when trying to update a value in a column, I dont see anyway to update this value.
The table gets the value for the column like this:
func getColumnValue(row :DataFrame.Rows.Element, columnName :String) -> String
if row.base.containsColumn(columnName)
var value = ""
if row[columnName] != nil
value = "\(row[columnName]!)"
return value
But the documentation and googles dont show any way to update the same column. Any help is appreciated with cookies.
Attempt to update:
func setColumnValue(row :DataFrame.Rows.Element, columnName :String, value :String)
var column: [String?] = data[columnName]
column[] = value
Hi everyone! I’m fairly new to Swift and currently working on a small iOS app in SwiftUI. The app is able to load a CSV file embedded in the Xcode project (using Bundle.main.path(forResource:)), and everything works well with that.
Now, I want to take it a step further by allowing the app to load an external CSV file located in the iPhone’s directories (like “Documents” or “Downloads”). However, I’m struggling to make it work. I tried using a DocumentPicker to select the CSV file, and I believe I’m passing the file URL correctly, but the app keeps reading only the embedded file instead of the one selected by the user.
Could anyone offer guidance on how to properly set up loading an external CSV file? I’m still learning, so any suggestions or examples would be really appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance for the help!
Here’s the code that isn’t working as expected:
import Foundation
struct Product: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var codice: String
var descrizione: String
var prezzo: Double
var installazione: Double
var trasporto: Double
class ProductViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var products: [Product] = []
@Published var filteredProducts: [Product] = []
func loadCSV(from url: URL) {
products = []
do {
let data = try String(contentsOf: url)
let lines = data.components(separatedBy: "\n")
// Legge e processa ogni riga del CSV (saltando la prima riga se è l'intestazione)
for line in lines.dropFirst() {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: ";")
// Assicurati che ci siano abbastanza colonne e gestisci i valori mancanti
if values.count >= 5 {
let codice = values[0].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let descrizione = values[1].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let prezzo = parseEuropeanDouble(values[2]) ?? 0.0
let installazione = parseEuropeanDouble(values[3].isEmpty ? "0,00" : values[3]) ?? 0.0
let trasporto = parseEuropeanDouble(values[4].isEmpty ? "0,00" : values[4]) ?? 0.0
let product = Product(
codice: codice,
descrizione: descrizione,
prezzo: prezzo,
installazione: installazione,
trasporto: trasporto
filteredProducts = products
} catch {
print("Errore nel caricamento del CSV: \(error)")
private func parseEuropeanDouble(_ value: String) -> Double? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "it_IT")
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
return formatter.number(from: value)?.doubleValue
struct ContentView: View {
@StateObject var viewModel = ProductViewModel()
@State private var showFilePicker = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Carica file CSV") {
showFilePicker = true
.fileImporter(isPresented: $showFilePicker, allowedContentTypes: [.commaSeparatedText]) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let url):
viewModel.loadCSV(from: url)
case .failure(let error):
print("Errore nel caricamento del file: \(error.localizedDescription)")
List(viewModel.filteredProducts) { product in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Codice: \(product.codice)")
Text("Descrizione: \(product.descrizione)")
Text("Prezzo Lordo: €\(String(format: "%.2f", product.prezzo))")
Text("Installazione: €\(String(format: "%.2f", product.installazione))")
Text("Trasporto: €\(String(format: "%.2f", product.trasporto))")
Hi, I am fairly new Xcode/Swift and am trying to load a CSV File for use in my development. I have placed the CSV file in my Assets folder but when I try to create my Data Model and load the CSV file. I run into the error: No exact matches in call to initializer. Below is the code. I have attached CSV File. Any help fixing this error would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
import Foundation
import CSV
struct HospitalData: Codable {
let providerNumber: String
let hospital: String
let address: String
let city: String
let state: String
let zip: String
let wageIndex: Double
let caseMix: Double
let averageCharge: Double
let discharges: Int
let totalCharges: Double
let adjTotalCharges: Double
// Add other fields as needed based on the columns in your CSV file
func loadHospitalData() -> [HospitalData]? {
guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Hospital_Demographic_Data", ofType: "csv") else {
print("File not found")
return nil
do {
let csv = try CSV(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath))
var hospitalDataList = [HospitalData]() // Initialize as an empty array
for row in csv.namedRows {
if let providerNumber = String(row["Provider CCN"] ?? ""), // Replace "Provider CCN" with actual column name
let hospital = String(row["Hospital Name"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name
let address = String(row["Street Address"] ?? ""),
let city = String(row["City"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name
let state = String(row["State Code"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name
let zip = String(row["Zip Code"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name
let wageIndex = Double(row["Wage Index"] ?? ""),
let caseMix = Double(row["Case Max"] ?? ""),
let averageCharge = Double(row["Base Charge"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name
let discharges = Int(row["Medicare Discharges"] ?? ""),
let totalCharges = Double(row["Total Charges"] ?? ""),
let adjTotalCharges = Double(row["Total Wage Normalized Charges"] ?? "") { // Replace with actual column name
let hospitalData = HospitalData(
providerNumber: providerNumber,
hospital: hospital,
address: address,
city: city,
state: state,
zip: zip,
wageIndex: wageIndex,
caseMix: caseMix,
averageCharge: averageCharge,
discharges: discharges,
totalCharges: totalCharges,
adjTotalCharges: adjTotalCharges
return hospitalDataList
} catch {
print("Failed to load CSV file: \(error)")
return nil
// Usage Example
func main() {
if let hospitalData = loadHospitalData() {
for data in hospitalData {
print("Hospital: (, City: (, Average Charge: (data.averageCharge)")
In Xcode 14 I was able to train linear regression models with Create ML using large CSV files (I tested on about 30000 items and 5 features):
However, in Xcode 15 (I tested on 15.0.1 and 15.1), the training continuously stays in the "Processing" state:
When using a dataset with 900 items, everything works fine.
I filed a feedback for this issue: FB13516799.
Does anybody else have this issue / can reproduce it?