Unable to push provision any cards to Apple Pay from our app

We have recently begun testing in our production environment and have been unable to push provision any cards, receiving a 500 error:

default 11:15:59.136742-0300 PassbookUIService Response: https://pr-pod9-smp-device.apple.com:443/broker/v4/devices/SEID_NUMBER/cards 500 Time profile: 0.486102 seconds { x-conversation-id = "52463d9f488e428f829633a1518ea72d" Vary = "accept-language" Content-Type = "application/json" x-pod = "pr-pod9" x-keystone-correlationid = "058F11DE-839F-47AC-A623-741BF32CEA80" Date = "Thu, 16 Jan 2025 14:15:58 GMT" x-apay-service-response-details = "via_upstream" Content-Length = "81" x-envoy-upstream-service-time = "172" x-pod-region = "paymentpass.com.apple" }

{ statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; }

In 05/2024 we received an e-mail from applepayentitlements<at>apple.com confirming the granting of in-app provisioning entitlements for our production apps.

We've already sent a feedback on Feedback Assistant. Here is the code to track: FB16344669. Also, we sent another e-mail to applepayentitlements<at>apple.com, Case-ID: 11317916, but we haven't received a reply yet.

Can you help us? We are concerned, since our pre-certification starts on January 27th.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @douglasantoniaz,

It appears there are multiple provisioning profiles for each app binary. However, some are configured with the expected distribution types (i.e., App Store/Ad hoc) and others have no distribution applied. Could you please confirm you are using the correct distribution types for your issuer app and both Wallet extensions?

For more information, please see the following page:

Provisioning with capabilities



Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Unable to push provision any cards to Apple Pay from our app