Sandbox/Wallet/Apple Pay hacker

So this is a long shot. My apple device has been hacked. In March, my credit card, which is in apple pay, started to get used, until May. It was used for thousands of dollars. In July i discovered installed and generally “invisible” files in the files app. I’ve called All IPhone that was a contact file.

when i started deleting everything from my phone, all messages and photos and accounts, it became obvious i was signed into the app store in a sandbox account i never signed up for or into. I believe this is one method by device as compromised through apple.

does anyone have any ideas on if it would be possible for a hacker to use my apple pay through some scam developer who had initiated a testing agreement between myself and them?

I can tell you from first hand knowledge and experience yes and they can do a lot more. The easiest thing to do is factory reset the phone secure all accounts and start over. Keep everything minimal on your phone. Pay attention to your logs i would perform a backup to a secure external drive immediately after getting phone reset and all info input. Keep that safe and if you really wanna be vigilant factory reset every couple days weeks up to you. If they want in they can get in. But there’s a process that needs to be performed for them to do so and stay hidden. Until something can be done about the Swiss Cheese Security all these Cell providers and App Developers have created the Factory Reset is your best and safest option.

Sandbox/Wallet/Apple Pay hacker