SwiftUI Manual Orientation Control for Views - Solution and a Bug!

I am working on a project that contains a QuickLook View and Some ARViews. I want to restrict the entire app to Portrait orientation, but I want to allow the ARView to have Portrait and Landscape orientation.

If I restrict the app to Portrait in the Deployment Info settings, we can still turn the device to landscape in the ARView, However, there is an issue with "some" spatial audio files within the digital experience. Some spatial audio items, are placed appropriately, and others are panned oddly left.

If we allow Landscape Left and Right in the Deployment Info settings, all spatial audio behaves appropriately. So, we need to "lock" every other view as Portrait and only allow Portrait and Landscape on the ARView.

I'm not smart enough to know how to do that, but I found this excellent package on GitHub. It works as expected. https://github.com/wvteijlingen/swiftui-interface-orientation

However! When we wrap SwiftUI with UIKit, it appears every single view that contains an ARView is initialized at launch even though it is not visible. So, when the app launches, it is running multiple ARViews at once.

It appears we need to have some kind of lazy loading, so this doesn't occur, but again, I am not knowledgable enough for this yet. I tried to wrap it all in a LazyVStack, I tried a LazyView struct, but I couldn't get it to build appropriately.

I feel like this might be a common thing, so maybe there's already a simple answer I'm not able to locate? Any ideas??

Hello @notpit:

ARView can be used with SwiftUI by wrapping it in UIViewRepresentable. As for the apparent initialization behavior you observed, that is not expected.

It would help if you could share more detail.

  1. Reply with a snippet that clarifies your current approach to using multipleARView instances.
  2. Use Feedback Assistant to report this, and include a sample project that demonstrates the issue.

If you choose Option 2, please share the FB ID here.

Thanks, Steve

SwiftUI Manual Orientation Control for Views - Solution and a Bug!