Smart Banner for Testflight App


I am wondering if anyone has experience with Smart Banners for an application not released on the app store, but still in TestFlight, specifically an AppClip.

I am working on an exisiting project where a Smart Clip is used with a smart banner on the website for core functionality. Previously, even in test environment (app is in test flight and not app store) the smart banner would correctly show on the website and allow testers to launch the app clip experience, however this no longer seems to work.

Its noted the test environment was last tested and deployed 2 years ago, and was working correctly, and there have been no changes to the website (the meta tag and .aasa file are all setup correctly). The only recent change was upgrading the app to support the latest iOS version, however beyond that no functionality in the app has changed.

Apple developer support hasn't been very helpful, and reviewed our account and stated "everything appears to be running as expected on our end"

Has something changed in Safari in that it no longer accepts test flight app smart banners, and if it doesn't, does anyone have any other suggestions?


Smart Banner for Testflight App