The link above shows the data format that the user who gets a call, can get. I wonder if it is also possible to add other fields, for example: "summary". I am currently in the design-phase of an app that aims to present what the last call between the two parties was about, and that information can be gotten from an API that I will build according to Apple's principles that is comaptible with the Live Caller ID Lookup protocol. Therefore adding a field that will present a short summary of the last call will be very handy. Is that possible?
Thanks for the reply! I don't think I was super clear. I actually do not want to link specific users to specific queries. I just want to send the contents of a field in my database to the user who is using the app. Imagine that I have a field in my database that contains the value: "testing Live Caller ID Lookup". I want this string to be showed to the user that is using the app, in addition to the user name and user icon. So that would mean that the screen that the user will be getting, will look like something like the picture below:
No, there isn't any way to extend the interface like that. The format documented in "Formatting data for blocking and identity information" and the CallIdentity struct only contains a name, icon image, and the cache management data.
One point to clarify here is that Live Caller ID Lookup is specifically designed around spam call blocking and is not the right tool for other use cases (like corporate phone directories). The Contact Provider Extension or Call Directory app extension are better options for phone directories or for fixed blocking lists.
Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware