I've just started working on my first SpriteKit game that will eventually run on both tvOS and iOS and am looking at how to build a "button". So far, I've got a custom node that looks like:
class MyButton: SKSpriteNode {
#if os(tvOS)
override var canBecomeFocused: Bool {
override func didUpdateFocus(...) {
The above let me nicely handle focus changes in tvOS and now I'm looking at reacting to selecting the button.
Searching around, all the articles/questions/posts are from 2015-2016 - which is a LOOOONG time ago. Most of the guidance appears to be to add a tap gesture recognizer in the owning scene and getting the scene to hand it off to the button. That seems pretty brittle and I'd much prefer if the button itself is responsible for its own tap management.
So, I guess my question is whether I should just add a gesture recognizer to my custom button class? Is this inefficient if I end up having 7-8 buttons on the screen and each one has its own gesture recognizer?
Somewhat related, all of the 10-year-old advice is that if we add recognizers to scenes, then they need to be removed from the view controller... however, in the modern day world with SwiftUI, my project doesn't even have a view controller (yet, anyway)... what gesture recognizer lifecycle management do I need in a SpriteKit scene that is presented within a SpriteKitView
Or, is there a better way? I was kind of hoping that overriding pressesBegan()
(or something similar) in my custom button might have been triggered on tvOS (like touchesBegan()
lets me manage touches for the iOS variant of my app)
Any pointers or suggestions would be gladly received. Thanks.
Re: "So, I guess my question is whether I should just add a gesture recognizer to my custom button class? Is this inefficient if I end up having 7-8 buttons on the screen and each one has its own gesture recognizer?"
Yes and no
Re: "what gesture recognizer lifecycle management do I need in a SpriteKit scene that is presented within a SpriteKitView?"
I'll assume you're referring to SpriteView, and like a typical SwiftUI View you add a .gesture modifier.
Re: "Or, is there a better way?"
Do your buttons have to be rendered in the SpriteView or could they be in a container View instead as a Button? You might find this separation of concerns cleaner, and possibly improves MVC clarity.
Do you really need SwiftUI for building a SpriteKit game?