I am running Swift Playgrounds 4.51 under OSX 14.7 on a Mac mini M2 Pro.
Under App settings for my app, I select "Install on this Mac." I get an error "An error occurred during installation Please check Console.app for further information"
I can't find any entry in the console logs for this.
I have a personal (free) developer account.
Is there a way to create a Finder launchable app with Swift Playgrounds?
I found part of the problem. My main user that I use for "normal" activity does not have administrative rights. If I give that user administrative rights, the create app succeeds and the app is added to the global Applications folder.
Is there a way to have the app added to my User Application folder that then shouldn't require administrative access?
It’s not possible to delete posts. But it’s usually not required to delete them either. See here.
No, but I think that’d make a fine enhancement request given the target audience for Swift Playgrounds. Please post your bug number, just for the record.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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