APNS push working on iphone XR but not on iphone 13

Hello , We are trying MDM APNs push using following command

curl.exe -X POST --http2 -k -v --cert PushCert.pem --cacert cacert.pem https://api.push.apple.com/3/device/9BFDFB46D48159D16E5DC80391B765EE99524CF294BB4BF9FB5AEA7A5F3FFD79 -d "{"mdm":"84F0C145-5963-4F06-9D11-DFBDB45802D5"}" -H "apns-topic: com.apple.mgmt.External.c217c1bf-ad51-42a9-9108-2e92ef705b2a" -H "apns-push-type: mdm"

The command process correctly there is no error but device doesn't receive the Apns push. At the same time the older device recives the Apns push but newer device not. What can be the cause,how to debug this issue.

IF the device token is correct, and IF the same certificate with the correct ID you listed here is correctly installed on the device, the issue could be one of many things, and even temporary issues like device connectivity.

If you can share the apns-id of a push request that was not received, we may take a look to see what the issue might have been. We will need a sample of a request sent in the past couple of days.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

APNS push working on iphone XR but not on iphone 13