Displaying a toast message and a loader(activity indicator) in CarPlay


Could you please help me with the below,

  1. How to display a toast message to the user in CarPlay after a successful operation?
  2. How to show a spinner or an activity indicator just before performing some operation?

I have referred to the CarPlay pdf design guidelines in which I couldn't find support for the above two. But I could see a loader within a button in one of the default apps in CarPlay simulator. Kindly help me with these queries

How to display a toast message to the user in CarPlay after a successful operation?

Can you share more about what kind of operation this is, and what kind of confirmation you are trying to show? Toasts/banners are generally not appropriate for confirmations in CarPlay. Instead, you could use the alert or list templates to show a message.

How to show a spinner or an activity indicator just before performing some operation?

If you're using the list template, the system will automatically show a spinner for you after the user selects a list item. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/carplay/cplistitem/handler for more details.

Displaying a toast message and a loader(activity indicator) in CarPlay