Rejected for Guideline 4.3 - Spam


One of our apps has been rejected under Guideline 4.3 for spam.

Our studio has been on the App Store for 10+ years and this particular app has been available for over two years without previous issue.

We have submitted a couple responses to the original rejection outlining why we think our app is unique and not spam and unfortunately we have been rejected. I have also submitted an appeal and requested a phone call.

This is compounded by a live issue happening in our app right now that requires a build to unblock. I added that to our review notes for submission but was rejected.

We believe we have been flagged as spam in error and would like to release builds to our active players ASAP to get them unblocked and provide further value to them.

Beyond submitting an appeal and requesting a call is there anything else I can do?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 823310022


It sounds like you're working with App Review with the recommended process, and that's the most effective path to resolve this issue.

That said, there isn't more we can recommend on the Developer Forums as this is an App Store policy concern not a development concern.


It sounds like you're working with App Review with the recommended process, and that's the most effective path to resolve this issue.

That said, there isn't more we can recommend on the Developer Forums as this is an App Store policy concern not a development concern.

Rejected for Guideline 4.3 - Spam