Received entitlement access from Apple yesterday, but I'm getting this error when trying to check app authorization:
FinanceKit/FinanceStore+FinancialDataAuthorization.swift:27: Fatal error: Process is not entitled
Code of interest:
import Foundation
import FinanceKit
class FinanceService: ObservableObject {
private let store = FinanceStore.shared
@Published private(set) var authorizationStatus: AuthorizationStatus = .notDetermined
@Published private(set) var accounts: [Account] = []
@Published private(set) var transactions: [Transaction] = []
@Published private(set) var balances: [AccountBalance] = []
@Published private(set) var wallet: Wallet = Wallet()
// Authorization
func requestAuthorization() async {
do {
authorizationStatus = try await store.requestAuthorization()
} catch {
// If there's an error requesting authorization, set to denied
authorizationStatus = .denied
print("Error requesting authorization: \(error)")
func checkAuthorizationStatus() async {
do {
print("Checking authorization status")
authorizationStatus = try await store.authorizationStatus()
print("Authorization status: \(authorizationStatus)")
} catch {
// If there's an error checking status, assume not determined
authorizationStatus = .notDetermined
print("Error checking authorization status: \(error)")
What I've done/checked:
- Info.plist is set properly, with NSFinancialDataDescription AND
NSFinanancialDataUsageDescription both set
- In my entitlements, key is set to financial-data
- I have am targeting an actual device (min. 17.6)
I've followed the instructions here: [] to no avail.
Any ideas?