Widgets not showing up in MacOS widget gallery

I have a multiplatform app that I've been working on that targets iphones, ipad, and macos. I also have a widgetextension that targets all three devices. On iphones and ipads, the widgets show up in the widget gallery with no problems. But on the mac, the widget center does show my app, but its widgets are "from iPhone" meaning that if my app was not install on an iphone, they just won't show up on the mac at all.

I have not idea of what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. Do I need to create a widget extension for the mac seperately?

Answered by Engineer in 823603022

If you have Widgets on your iOS home screen, your Mac devices with the same iCloud account logged in can hand off the Widgets. If you want to have the ability to add Widgets on MacOs exclusively, you will need an extension for MacOS.

If you have Widgets on your iOS home screen, your Mac devices with the same iCloud account logged in can hand off the Widgets. If you want to have the ability to add Widgets on MacOs exclusively, you will need an extension for MacOS.

Thanks for replying. I built the app as a multiSystem app so the widgets should work on the MacOS without have to create a Mac specific extension. After some research I found that the problem isn't the exclusivity but there is a bug with widgets that use AppIntentConfiguration on macOS, which other people are having issues with as found here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/765020?login=true&page=1#824567022

Widgets not showing up in MacOS widget gallery