There is no longer a Frameworks and Libraries section for App Extensions with Xcode 16

I've got an existing app which is using some 3rd party xcframeworks within its app extensions (for example within a Notification Service Extension).

Within the target for the app extensions there is a Frameworks and Libraries section where the xcframework was dragged and dropped into.

However now I want to create a new project and do a similar thing, within the app's target there is a Frameworks and Libraries section, but when an app extension target is created, Xcode is not adding a Frameworks and Libraries section.

There is a Link Library with Binary section, however this doesn't have an embed section (where you can select to embed, don't embed, embed without signing etc.) and I get build error trying to drag and drop the xcframework in here.

Where id the Framewoks and Libraries section go for app extensions for projects created with Xcode 16? How can this section be added?

Can you show the exact steps you're taking that results in that section of the General tab missing for you?

I just tried it in Xcode 16.2 with a brand new iOS app target, to which I also added an Action Extension target and a Notification Service Extension target. All of these targets had the Frameworks and Libraries section under the General tab like you're expecting.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

There is no longer a Frameworks and Libraries section for App Extensions with Xcode 16