Hello Everyone,
We have some doubts regarding the apple notification alert update received in Oct 2024 for APNS server certificate update.
Does this change is already live for sandbox environment?
As we have checked on sandbox environment without changing any certificate its working and we are able to get push notification.
Does that means our system does not need any change for production as well?
If required where we should add https://www.sectigo.com/knowledge-base/detail/Sectigo-Intermediate-Certificates/kA01N000000rfBO. This certificate.
For FYI we are using python library called django-push-notifications which internally call to the APNS server for push notifications.
Yes, the sandbox environment is already live with the new certificate. If you are able to send sandbox notifications from your server, that would mean you already have the new certificate in place.
While this would possibly mean you might be fine with the change for production, every server configuration could be different, and we would advise you to check with your server admins or the support channels for your server/push software, that this is indeed the case to avoid any surprises with production pushes.