MacOS regular wireless network disconnections

Hi, I’m working on a case in our organisation where we encounter regular wireless network disconnections - 30 and 60 minutes. ~ 1800 sec session is widely seen across hundreds if not thousand Macbooks.

We excluded internal wireless configuration issue and vendor specific problem as the disconnections happen on both Cisco and Ubiquiti Access Points.

Wireless Controller debugging most often show EAP timeout error.

Sniffer shows that the disassociation is initiated by Macbook.

MacOS logs show wifianalyticsd performing some actions before the disconnection (generated with sudo log show --debug [time]):

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4238:SDNS: WiFi Not Primary - setting suppressedReason kSymptomsDnsWiFiInterfaceNotPrimary

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219192+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateTimeSincePreviousTriggerForStudy:msgKey:dictKey:]::913:msgkey:WFAAWDWASDS_symptomsDnsTimeSincePreviousTriggerMinutes dictKey:dps_lastSymptomsDpsTrigger previous_TS:(null) current_TS:Tue 
Feb  4 14:16:31 2025 difference:0

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219704+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateScreenState]::198:DPS Fast Reset Recommendation Engine: (screenON & foreGrnd traffic) is DETECTED

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219713+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::966:PeerDiagnostics: Data not received from peerDiagnostics

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219714+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine checkForPriorityNetwork]::256:Priority Network Check Disabled: NO IsPriorityNetwork: YES

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219732+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine isResetAllowedForKey:forPrefSelector:]::330:key:symptomsDps_lastScreenOnRecoveryWD previousWD_TS:(null) currentWD_TS:Tue Feb  4 14:16:31 2025 recommendation:YES

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219735+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateSymptomsDPSRecoveryWDStatsForKey:]::210:Added key: symptomsDps_numRecommendedScreenOnRecoveryWD value:1 dict:(null)

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219737+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::1023:PeerDiagnostics: Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219740+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4276:PeerDiagnostics: Triggering Reassoc for symptoms-dps

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219741+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4277:SDNS: Recommendation - kSymptomsdDPSReassoc, triggering reassoc wiith reason ReassociateOnDNSSymptoms

2025-02-04 14:16:31.220001+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: (IO80211) Apple80211SetWithIOCTL:11858 Processing APPLE80211_IOC_REASSOCIATE_WITH_CORECAPTURE

2025-02-04 14:16:31.387985+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: (IO80211) Apple80211SetWithIOCTL: Processed APPLE80211_IOC_REASSOCIATE_WITH_CORECAPTURE Ioctl error:0

WAEngine and DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine functionalities (?) play significant role in here recommending Reassociation

We can see that reassociation is being triggered because of DNS symptoms - why and where can I find them?
Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc

Answered by djanuszek in 823911022

Please remove this post - didn't notice the first one has been reviewed and posted - I thought I lost the first one

Accepted Answer

Please remove this post - didn't notice the first one has been reviewed and posted - I thought I lost the first one

It’s tricky to remove thread. It’s generally better to just ‘abandon in place’.

And here’s a link to your real thread, just in case someone stumbles across this one.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

MacOS regular wireless network disconnections