Appstore Rejection - Your app's binary includes the following call-to-action and/or URL that directs users to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app.

Recently we've faced an issue when submitting the new build for reviewal. It was rejected with following reasoning:

Your app's binary includes the following call-to-action and/or URL that directs users to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app.

Complain was related to phrase

To discover our products please visit our website

We're going to to rephrase it as

Our website can help you to learn more about our products

Will it solve the issue? According to ChatGPT following phrasing should not be considered a call-to-action. What's your opinions?

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Appstore Rejection - Your app's binary includes the following call-to-action and/or URL that directs users to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app.