Change address and Country for expired developer account

I created a developer account in one country and it was active for few years, now it has expired and I have moved to another country. When I want to change the address under "Membership details > Update your information +" it redirects me to a page and I see the following message

Your account can’t access this page.

There may be certain requirements to view this content. If you’re a member of a developer program, make sure your Account Holder has agreed the latest license agreement.

So I thought may be I should just go and renew the account, but on the payment page there's no option to change country there as well, which is required as I don't have a card from my previous country.

  • It is an individual account.

Is there any hope I can resurrect my account?

For your question, please contact the Apple Developer Program Support Team. If that request is with a team other than the Apple Developer Program Support Team, please get in touch with them through  Please make sure to mention that you were referred to them by DTS.

We hope this information is helpful to you.

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

Change address and Country for expired developer account