what data defines an anchor?

my coworkers and i are guessing at what data defines an anchor. i tried searching but struggled to find anything helpful.

our best guess was a combination Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN), gps, magnetic compass direction and maybe elevation sensors.

is this documented anywhere? if not, can a definition or description be provided?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 824095022

We don't expose the internal details of ARAnchor but Combine Motion Sensing and Scene Analysis provides an overview.

You'll also find references to VIO in ARKit WWDC sessions.

Accepted Answer

We don't expose the internal details of ARAnchor but Combine Motion Sensing and Scene Analysis provides an overview.

You'll also find references to VIO in ARKit WWDC sessions.

Anchor is a representation of 3D position and orientation (6DoF). For example, object surface meshes, device, hands, tables, floors, walls, etc. have their own 6DoF anchors. They are represented as MeshAnchor, DeviceAnchor, HandAnchor, PlaneAnchor, ... by ARKit in iOS/visionOS.

3D position and orientation (6DoF) is mathematically described by a 4x4 matrix.

Understanding the “rotation matrix R” is the core. Vector & matrix, and linear algebra are the foundations of “spatial computing”.

what data defines an anchor?