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How to Move and Rotate WindowGroup with Code in Xcode
当我进入混合空间时,出现一个模型,但模型后面有一个 windowGroup,无法完全查看。如果我想点击进入 mix 空间,我需要使用代码将 windowGroup 移动到另一个位置,而不是手动移动 ![](“https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/0471ead0-4c74-43a7-9ecc-12e67e81cec6” “title=WechatIMG31.jpg;宽度=915;高度=777”)
I am developing a Immersive Video App for VisionOs but I got a issue regarding app and video player window
In Vision OS app, We have two types of windows: Main App Window – This is the default window that launches when the app starts. It displays the video listings and other primary content. Immersive Space Window – This opens only when a user starts streaming or playing a video. Issue: When entering the immersive space, the main app window remains visible in front of it unless manually closed. To avoid this, I currently close the main window when transitioning to immersive space and reopen it when exiting. However, this causes the app to restart instead of resuming from its previous state. Desired Behavior: I want the main app window to retain its state and seamlessly resume from where it was before entering immersive mode, rather than restarting. Attempts & Challenges: Tried managing opacity, visibility, and state preservation, but none worked as expected. Couldn’t find a way to push the main window to the background while bringing the immersive space to the foreground. Looking for a solution to keep the main window’s state intact while transitioning between immersive and normal modes.
Metal (Compositor Services) or RealityKit on visionOS
I am develop visionOS app. I am now very interested in Metal and Compositor Services, but I have not explored them in depth. I know that Metal has a higher degree of control freedom. I am wondering if using Compositor Services will have fewer functions than RealityKit in AR technology (such as scene reconstruction and understanding, hover effect, etc.).
Unable to Retain Main App Window State When Transitioning to Immersive Space
In Vision OS app, I have two types of windows: Main App Window – This is the default window that launches when the app starts. It displays the video listings and other primary content. Immersive Space Window – This opens only when a user starts streaming or playing a video. Issue: When entering the immersive space, the main app window remains visible in front of it unless manually closed. To avoid this, I currently close the main window when transitioning to immersive space and reopen it when exiting from immersive space. However, this causes the app to restart instead of resuming from its previous state. Desired Behavior: I want the main app window to retain its state and seamlessly resume from where it was before entering immersive mode, rather than restarting. Attempts & Challenges: Tried managing opacity, visibility but none worked as expected. Couldn’t find a way to push the main window to the background while bringing the immersive space to the foreground. Looking for a solution to keep the main window’s state intact while transitioning between immersive and normal modes.
MainActor attribute on RealityKit APIs is causing problems
Hello, A lot of the RealityKit APIs (Ex. LowLevelMesh, LowLevelTexture, etc.) are marked with MainActor so they needed to be accessed on the main thread. This creates issues when we need to perform expensive GPU related operations since now we need to perform those on the main thread. This results in bottlenecks and hangs in our application. We would like to use a multi-threaded approach to solve these problems which is difficult to do here. We are constantly streaming data whether the app is just appearing or the user is interacting with our application so we need to be able to perform these operations on a separate thread. Any advice on how to achieve this using RealityKit? Thank you.
App Window Closure Sequence Impacts Main Interface Reload Behavior
My VisionOS App (Travel Immersive) has two interface windows: a main 2D interface window and a 3D Earth window. If the user first closes the main interface window and then the Earth window, clicking the app icon again will only launch the Earth window while failing to display the main interface window. However, if the user closes the Earth window first and then the main interface window, the app restarts normally‌. Below is the code of import SwiftUI @main struct Travel_ImmersiveApp: App { @StateObject private var appModel = AppModel() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup(id: "MainWindow") { ContentView() .environmentObject(appModel) .onDisappear { appModel.closeEarthWindow = true } } .windowStyle(.automatic) .defaultSize(width: 1280, height: 825) WindowGroup(id: "Earth") { if !appModel.closeEarthWindow { Globe3DView() .environmentObject(appModel) .onDisappear { appModel.isGlobeWindowOpen = false } } else { EmptyView() // 关闭时渲染空视图 } } .windowStyle(.volumetric) .defaultSize(width: 0.8, height: 0.8, depth: 0.8, in: .meters) ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveView") { ImmersiveView() .environmentObject(appModel) } } }
AR QuickLook Frame Rate Questions
When I've made an animated UDSZ, at what framerate will the animation be rendered in QuickLook? Is it the same across all devices? (iPhone, Apple Vision Pro, etc.) and viewing environments? (QuickLook, inside an ARView, etc.) Suppose I export my file at 30fps and the device draws at 60fps, does the device interpolate between frames automatically, animate at a lower frame rate, or play it at twice the speed? What if it were 24fps? My primary concern with understanding frame rates is a bit of trouble I've had making perfectly looping animations. There always seems to be the slightest stutter between iterations. Thanks in advance for any insights you're able to provide!
Hidden window/volume system overlays in Full Space
When I show a window while a sky sphere is shown, the handles to drag/close/resize the window are hidden. The colliders still work, so they are there, but only the visuals are hidden. I already know from another project, that this also happens to volumes. They only appear once you get closer to the window or if the sky sphere gets removed. Is this a known issue or is there a fix for that? .persistentSystemOverlays(.visible)does not fix it Xcode 16.3.0 Beta, visionOS 2.4
Missing Properties in BillboardComponent
In an earlier beta, BillboardComponent had rotationAxis and upDirection properties which allowed more fine-grained control of how an entity rotates towards the camera. Currently, it is only possible to orient the z axis of the entity. Looking at the robot in the documentation, the rotation of its z axis causes its feet to lift off the ground. Before, it was possible to restrain the rotation to one axis (y, for example) so that the robot's feet stayed on the ground with billboard.upDirection = [0, 1, 0] billboard.rotationAxis = [0, 1, 0] Is there an alternative way to achieve this? Are these properties (or similar) coming back?
RealityKit Entity ComponentSet does not conform to Sequence?
Hello, I'm trying to view the components of an Entity I'm creating in RealityKit by reading from a USDZ file. I have the following code snippet in my app. if let appleEntity = try? Entity.loadModel(named: "apple_tile") { let c = appleEntity.components for comp in c { // <- compiler error here print(comp) } } The compiler error I'm receiving says "For-in loop requires 'Entity.ComponentSet' to conform to 'Sequence'". However, I thought this was the case, according to the documentation for Entity.ComponentSet? Curious if anyone else has had this problem. Running XCode 15.4, and my Swift version is xcrun swift -version swift-driver version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4) Target: x86_64-apple-macosx14.0
Gaze, Eye Tracking responsive Stuff
I am wondering, is it possible to somehow configure a 3D object to respond to the gaze of a person, like change colors of some parts of the 3D-Model where a person is looking, i.e. where a person's gaze lands on the surface of the 3D-model ? For example, if there is a 3D model of a Cool Dragon 🐉 in the physical space of a person, when seen through with the mixed reality view, of a VisionPro. Now, it would be really cool to change only the color, or make some specific parts of the dragon skin shimmer, but only in the areas where a person is looking. Is this possible ? Is it do-able with eye-tracking of VisionPro ? Any advice would be appreciated. 🤝 🤓 I am new to iOS and VisionOS development.
ReplayKit start and stop capture breaks and give me an error when switching from Immersive to Mixed and back.
Hi, I'm developing a virtual camera system using ReplayKit to capture scene video by directly accessing raw video buffers. The capture mechanism works flawlessly when repeatedly starting and stopping video capture within a continuous immersive environment. However, a critical issue arises when interrupting the immersive space: Step 1: Enter immersive environment and start and stop capture videos(Multiple times with no issues) Step 2: Press the crown button to exit the immersive environment Step 3: Return to the immersive space subsequently Step 4: Attempt to start the video capture At this point, the startCapture method throws an unexpected error, disrupting the video capture workflow. This is the Xcode error that I see " [ERROR] -[RPScreenRecorder startCaptureWithHandler:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2:500 failed to start due to error: Error Domain=com.apple.ReplayKit.RPRecordingErrorDomain Code=-5803 "Recording failed to start" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Recording failed to start}" I have tried all possible ways to stopCapture including OnDisappear and other methods and nothing seems to solve this.
CameraFrameProvider distortion correction
Hi, I'm trying to correct the lens distortion in frames provided by Enterprise API camera frame provider. The frames provided seem to have only in/extrinsics info, but not the distortion lookup table. Is there some magic setting, or function to do that (I can't seem to find anything like this)? Or is there a way to use AVCameraCalibrationData together with provider?
Reoccurring World Tracking / Scene Exceeded Limit Error
Hi, We’ve been successfully using the RoomPlan API in our application for over two years. Recently, however, users have reported encountering persistent capture errors during their sessions. Specifically, the errors observed are: CaptureError.worldTrackingFailure CaptureError.exceedSceneSizeLimit What we have observed: Persistent Errors: The errors continue to occur even after initiating new capture sessions. Normal Usage: Our implementation adheres to typical usage patterns of the RoomPlan API without exceeding any documented room size limits. Limited Feature Usage: We are not utilizing the WorldTracking feature for the StructureBuilder functionality to stitch rooms together. Potential State Caching: Given that these errors persist across sessions, we suspect that there might be memory or state cached between sessions that is not being cleared, particularly since we are not taking advantage of StructureBuilder. Request: Could you please advise if there is any internal caching or memory retention between capture sessions that might lead to these errors? Additionally, we would appreciate guidance on how to clear or manage this state when the StructureBuilder feature is not in use. Here is a generalised version of our capture session initialization code to help diagnose the issue. struct RoomARCaptureView: UIViewRepresentable { typealias Handler = (CapturedRoom, Error?) -> Void @Binding var stop: Bool @Binding var done: Bool let completion: Handler? func makeUIView(context: Self.Context) -> RoomCaptureView { let view = RoomCaptureView(frame: .zero) view.delegate = context.coordinator view.captureSession.run(configuration: .init()) return view } func updateUIView(_ uiView: RoomCaptureView, context: Self.Context) { if stop { // Stop the session only once, multiple times causes issues with the final presentation uiView.captureSession.stop() stop = false done = true } } static func dismantleUIView(_ uiView: RoomCaptureView, coordinator: Self.Coordinator) { uiView.captureSession.stop() } func makeCoordinator() -> ARViewCoordinator { ARViewCoordinator(completion) } @objc(ARViewCoordinator) class ARViewCoordinator: NSObject, RoomCaptureViewDelegate { var completion: Handler? public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {} public func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {} public init(_ completion: Handler?) { super.init() self.completion = completion } public func captureView(shouldPresent roomDataForProcessing: CapturedRoomData, error: (Error)?) -> Bool { return true } public func captureView(didPresent processedResult: CapturedRoom, error: (Error)?) { completion?(processedResult, error) } } } Thank you for your assistance.
How to handle tasks when the Vision Pro is taken off?
I have a grpc server running inside of a task. When the user takes the headset off, the grpc server will no longer work when they put the headset back on. I would like to have this action detected so that I can cancel the task (which will effectively close the grpc server). I am also using a visual indicator to let the user know if the server is running, but it will not accurately reflect the state of the server when removing and putting back on the headset.
Control mirroring of Apple Vision Pro on any devices ?
Hi ! I'm new on this forum, so if I need to update this post to have more info, or anything else, please let me know. I'm using the Apple Vision Pro to develop some app (with unity). To demonstrate what the user see on the headset, I would like to mirror the view on a device (an iPad in this case). I managed to do this without any issue. My problem is that, in the Vision Pro, I have an interface that the user can interact with. But I would like to be able to manage myself the interface on the iPad. What I mean is that the user can (or can't, doesn't matter) see the interface in the headset, and the interface is controlled by myself on the iPad. Is there any way to do this ? Is this a question I should ask on unity's forum ? (I don't think so, because it should be related to the mirroring function non ?)
Scene's origin relative to portal's window?
I am experimenting with RealityKit to set up a portal. Everything works, but I was wondering where the scene's origin is with respect to the front of the portal window? From experiments, the origin's X and Y appear to be at the center of the portal window, while the origin's Z appearing to be about a meter behind the portal window. Is this (at least roughly) correct? Is it documented anywhere? PS. I began with the standard visionOS app and edited the Reality Composer Pro file to create the scene.