I intend to participate in the Swift Student Challenge. A link is provided within my application that directs users to an Internet HTML web page.
Link(destination: URL(string: "https://url.com")!) {
Label("Developer Website - .....com", systemImage: "arrow.right")
.shadow(color: Color.white ,radius: 50)
This URL corresponds to my personal web page. Although it is not directly related to the experience interaction within the application, I have decided to include it as it serves as a logo and demonstrates my proficiency in HTML. However, the challenge’s rules stipulate that the evaluation environment is not permitted to connect to the Internet. Consequently, I am concerned that my work may be rejected due to its perceived incompleteness or errors. So should I keep it? Thanks!
FYI, the submission form has a Socials text box, so you may want to link your website there (and they don't mention anything about it not influencing the judging process, compared to the one for App Store apps! So it may actually count for the judging process).
As far as it goes for your app, I think it's pretty clear what your link does, given it's label: Label("Developer Website - .....com", systemImage: "arrow.right")
. So, imo, I think it may be fine, especially if your app's design makes it clear that it's not part of the main experience, but rather something extra, external. If you're really worried about this, consider rather linking your website via the specific submission form item I mentioned above.