I am trying to test this simulated Error.
The issue is, I can't get this to trigger through the simulatedError function.
Error will always end up as an unknown error
Example code snippet:
@available(iOS 17.0, *)
func testPurchase_InvalidQuantity() async throws {
// Arrange
let productID = "consumable_1"
try await testSession.setSimulatedError(.purchase(.invalidQuantity), forAPI: .purchase)
guard let product = await fetchProduct(identifier: productID) else {
XCTFail("Failed to fetch test product")
let option = Product.PurchaseOption.quantity(4)
let result = await manager.purchase(product: product, options: option)
switch result {
case .success:
XCTFail("Expected failure due to invalid quantity")
case .failure(let error):
print("Received error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
switch error {
case .purchaseError(let purchaseError):
XCTAssertEqual(purchaseError.code, StoreKitPurchaseError.invalidQuantity.code)
XCTFail("Unexpected error: \(error)")
In the above code snippet, I have an Unexpected Error.
But if i remove try await testSession.setSimulatedError(.purchase(.invalidQuantity), forAPI: .purchase)
I will receive a XCTFail in the success of my result.
So when I set the quantity to a -1, only then can I correctly receive an invalidQuantity.
Does anyone know why the try await testSession.setSimulatedError(.purchase(.invalidQuantity), forAPI: .purchase)
would fail to work as directed? I have tests for all the generic errors for loadProducts
API and the simulatedError works great for them