Is it possible to generate a new receipt for the same transaction on device?

Hi, all!

I am wondering about something about App Receipts. I'm using App Receipt hash to key some information server-side. I'm curious however, if that doesn't actually have a possible flaw. Is it possible to get a new receipt that would yield a different hash for the same transaction? Reinstalling the app, perhaps? Installing the app on a new phone? Basically, I want to make sure this hash is something I can rely on. If the user can get a new hash for the same purchase, that's obviously problematic.


Is it possible to get a new receipt that would yield a different hash for the same transaction?

Probably yes.

I'm using App Receipt hash to key some information server-side.

do you get a newly generated one with possibly minute differences that would yield a different hash

Why even consider using the hash as your key? It seems a very odd choice to me. Why not the "original transaction identifier", or whatever it's called?

Is it possible to generate a new receipt for the same transaction on device?