Not able to view PDF on a website when I open it in Safari browser.

When you open the Directorate General of civil Aviation, India website then in the top bar bring the cursor to “Regulations and Guidance” under that there will be a drop down which will give numerous options. In that go to Centre Column “Civil Aviation Requirements”. Then click on ”Section 7” then click on “Part II”. Actually on a laptop it’s a 4 page document but on my iPad it’s just an image of the first page. I can’t read any of the PDF’s.

You're in the wrong place. These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. We are not employees of Apple.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

The page you mention is apparently designed to serve an image <img> to Safari on iPad while Safari on a Mac is being served an <embed> containing a PDF. You'll need to reach out to the owner of the website. Looks like the site is using a plug-in that is erroneously determining that Safari cannot handle a file type it natively understands on every platform.

Not able to view PDF on a website when I open it in Safari browser.