Unable to install Audio App Extension on iOS Device

I keep getting this error when trying to install Audio app extension. Everything is reviewed from certificates to profiles, for some reason CreatingCustomAudioEffects sample is deployed correctly but when Creating new Project (Audio Extension App) from new project Option, it doesn't work at all. If I remove Extension from Frameworks and deploy app, then no problem but then App crashes as extension is missing. Something wrong with Xcode? I am pretty sure it used to build new projects but not anymore.

Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.0k1RXy/extracted/AudioUnitsAppExtensionTest.app : 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.)

Please ensure sure that your app is signed by a valid provisioning profile. If this issue persists, please attach the following when sending a report to Apple:

  • A sysdiagnose from this Mac
  • A sysdiagnose from the device failing installation
  • An IPA of the app failing installation
Answered by DTS Engineer in 824486022

You are correct that the App Sandbox entitlement is only relevant to macOS. On macOS you must opt in to the App Sandbox. On iOS, all third-party programs are sandboxed.

I created a new test project from the Multiplatform > Audio Unit Extension App template and, yeah, I see exactly the same issue you do. AFAICT it’s a bug in the template. It enables the App Sandbox via build settings rather than in Signing & Capabilities. If you fix that — remove the build settings and enable App Sandbox in Signing & Capabilities — Xcode will do the right thing, that is, only add the App Sandbox entitlement when building for macOS.

Or, if you only care about iOS, just do the first step and you’re all good (-:

I’d appreciate you filing a bug against the template; it should build correctly for all platforms out of the box.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

I managed to make it work but not sure why. Entitlements wise I use App Sandbox is YES but under Build Settings Enable App Sandbox is Default set to YES for a new project and if I change to No, my app + extension get installed correctly.

This setting seems to be not relevant for iOS and only for macOS is it?

You are correct that the App Sandbox entitlement is only relevant to macOS. On macOS you must opt in to the App Sandbox. On iOS, all third-party programs are sandboxed.

I created a new test project from the Multiplatform > Audio Unit Extension App template and, yeah, I see exactly the same issue you do. AFAICT it’s a bug in the template. It enables the App Sandbox via build settings rather than in Signing & Capabilities. If you fix that — remove the build settings and enable App Sandbox in Signing & Capabilities — Xcode will do the right thing, that is, only add the App Sandbox entitlement when building for macOS.

Or, if you only care about iOS, just do the first step and you’re all good (-:

I’d appreciate you filing a bug against the template; it should build correctly for all platforms out of the box.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Unable to install Audio App Extension on iOS Device