Clarification on the Definition of "Drug Dosage Calculators" in Guideline 1.4.2


I am looking for a better understanding of Guideline 1.4.2, which states that "Drug dosage calculators" must be developed by drug manufacturers, hospitals, universities, or other approved entities.

My main question is: What is Apple’s exact definition of a "Drug Dosage Calculator"? - Does the term exclusively refer to apps that calculate dosage (dose, interval, and treatment duration)? - Are apps that do not make clinical decisions, but only display bibliographic references based on user-entered data, also considered Drug Dosage Calculators? - If an app only performs basic mathematical operations on a dose value entered by the user, without suggesting medications or treatments, does it still fall under this restriction?

I would like to better understand how Apple differentiates a medical support app (which only presents data) from a dosage calculator (which makes clinical decisions).

I appreciate any insights from the community!

If your app has been rejected and you need help resolving the issue, consider taking advantage of one of the following support options available from App Review:

  • Reply to the message from App Review in App Store Connect and request clarification.
  • Request a call with an Apple representative to discuss the outcome of the review.
  • Submit an appeal to the App Review Board if you believe your app follows the App Review Guidelines.

Visit the Contact Us page on Apple Developer and select the App Review tile to learn more.

I feel like I’m being disregarded.

I started this thread to better understand the details of item 1.4.2. One of the suggestions given to me was to respond directly in the App Review, which I have now done twice. However, my questions were ignored in Apple’s responses.

To submit an appeal, I need to know the exact reason for the rejection. How can I justify an appeal if I don’t fully understand the issue?

I feel that Apple is not humanizing the submission process for my app. With each response I receive, new doubts arise from the attached screenshots.

I would truly appreciate it if Apple could provide clear and precise answers to my messages rather than generic, automated responses.

Hi @App Review, hope you are well.

I have submitted an appeal a week ago, could you please provide updates?

Thank you in advanced.

Clarification on the Definition of "Drug Dosage Calculators" in Guideline 1.4.2