Using Flutter with CallKit

When using CallKit in my flutter app audio(both mic and speaker) stop working. When not using call kit to answer calls the app work fine. I am using the flutter flutter_callkit_incoming to use callkit and flutter_webrtc for the telephony. Flutter_callkit_incoming has some boilerplate code code include sections to uncomment when using webrtc and I have seen multiple fixes to suggest to make sure the to configure sharedAudioSession before the callkit is sent. Neither of this approaches seemed to have worked.

You should check with the support resources provided by “Flutter” to get assistance with their software.

Unless another developer in the forums has experience with the third-party and can provide assistance.

Good luck.

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

This issue had nothing to do with flutter, I was simply waiting to long to call complete after receiving incoming voip push. I feel defeated.

Using Flutter with CallKit