I'm trying to build an app with a DeviceActivityMonitor
extension that executes some code after 15 minutes. I can confirm that the extension is set up correctly and that intervalDidStart
is executed, but for some reason the intervalDidEnd
method never gets called. What I'm doing in both is just registering a local notification.
class DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: DeviceActivityMonitor {
let store = ManagedSettingsStore()
override func intervalDidStart(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
title: "Session activated!",
body: ""
super.intervalDidStart(for: activity)
override func intervalDidEnd(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
title: "Session ended",
body: ""
super.intervalDidEnd(for: activity)
private func createPushNotification(title: String, body: String) {
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.title = title
content.body = body
// Configure the recurring date.
var dateComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.era, .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: Date().addingTimeInterval(1.0))
dateComponents.calendar = Calendar.current
dateComponents.timeZone = TimeZone.current
// Create the trigger as a repeating event.
let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateComponents, repeats: false)
let uuidString = UUID().uuidString
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: uuidString, content: content, trigger: trigger)
// Schedule the request with the system.
let notificationCenter = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
And this is the method that is starting the monitoring session:
@objc public static func startSession() -> String? {
// Calculate start and end times
let center = DeviceActivityCenter()
let minutes = 15
let startDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(1)
guard let endDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .minute, value: minutes, to: startDate) else {
return "Failed to create end date?"
// Create date components and explicitly set the calendar and timeZone
let startComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.era, .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: startDate)
let endComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.era, .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: endDate)
// Create schedule
let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule(
intervalStart: startComponents,
intervalEnd: endComponents,
repeats: false
print("Now", Date())
print("Start", startDate, startComponents)
print("End", endDate, endComponents)
do {
// Use a consistent activity name for our simple implementation
let activity = DeviceActivityName("SimpleSession")
try center.startMonitoring(activity, during: schedule)
return nil
} catch {
return "Failed to start monitoring: \(error)"
I can confirm my dates & date components make sense with the 4 print statements. Here is the output:
Now 2025-02-12 04:21:32 +0000
Start 2025-02-12 04:21:33 +0000 era: 1 year: 2025 month: 2 day: 11 hour: 20 minute: 21 second: 33 isLeapMonth: false
End 2025-02-12 04:36:33 +0000 era: 1 year: 2025 month: 2 day: 11 hour: 20 minute: 36 second: 33 isLeapMonth: false
Optional(2025-02-12 04:21:33 +0000 to 2025-02-12 04:36:33 +0000)
I get the Session activated!
notification but never get the Session ended
notification. Half an hour later, I've tried debugging the DeviceActivityCenter
by printing out the activities
property and can see that it is still there. When I try to print out the nextInterval
property on the schedule object i get from calling center.schedule(for:)
, it returns nil.
I'm running this on an iPhone 8 testing device with developer mode enabled. It has iOS 16.7.10. I'm totally lost as to how to get this to work.