External soundbar not playing nice with TV

Apple TV Samsung TV SONOS Soundbar + S1 stereo speakers

Apple TV Preferences Sound output = SONOS soundbar

Samsung Preferences Sound Output = SONOS HDMI eArc soundbar

  1. start with Apple TV movies and as I switch from movie to movie, sound comes out stereo as it should

  2. however when I switch to Netflix or YouTube TV with stereo content, sound comes out mono .. until I manually change the ATV Preferences to stereo.

As ong as I stay with Netflix content, stereo output. But change to YouRube TV or ATV, it automatically changes to mono.


This is nothing to do with third-party developers (i.e. not Apple employees) who write apps for Apple's platforms, which is what these forums are for.

You're in the wrong place.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

Thanks. Have transferred it as you recommended. Please erase here. Again, thanks.

External soundbar not playing nice with TV