I have spent many weeks trying to enroll in the Apple Developer program. I submitted all the info, waited, called support (which was completely useless and provided no additional insight into why I can't be enrolled).
I read other threads about this and there appears to be little answer for what to do. I meet all the requirements outlined on https://developer.apple.com/support/app-account/
Everything I do points me back to https://developer.apple.com/programs/enroll/ Where I click the Enroll button and I then get the following message.
Contact us to continue your enrollment. Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program is under review. Please contact us.
And then when I talk to support I get 30+ minutes of absolutely no help and sent on my way. I also tried creating a new Account/ID but it wouldn't allow me to proceed when I entered the 2 factor auth code from my phone number (which is associated with my original Apple Account)
Thanks in advance to anyone that can provide me hope on how to proceed.