If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances?

I'm posting a question here as I have encountered an issue while seeking help from engineers in the thread. thread773837

  1. If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances?

  2. I also posted a question about NSAllowsLocalNetworking not being applied, and I was informed that ATS (App Transport Security) is not related to SFSafariViewController. If that's the case, what feature causes the error "Safari cannot open the page. Error: Failed to navigate to an HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled"?

I am currently working to resolve this issue.

I found out the following information during my research: I wonder if the following statements are correct:

  1. If 'Warn about fraudulent websites' is enabled in Settings > Safari > Apps, HSTS is also enabled.
  2. The reason for the message 'Safari cannot open the page. Error: Could not navigate to HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled' is that HSTS blocks HTTP.

Are these correct?

If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances?