Can you please revoke my developer id application and installer certs? So i may recreate.
I deleted the private key by mistake before realizing i cannot recreate everything using the developer website portal. I dont have macos backup or did i backup my certs with attached pkey.
I just did not realize this was important until now.
Please help as Im now blocked. I opened a case too but i have not yet got a response. its been 3 days now. case id: 20000093632858
DevForums isn’t the right channel for that. If, after reading the following, you want to continue down this path, you should seek seek help via formal channels.
Developer ID signing identities are precious. I talk about this in some detail in The Care and Feeding of Developer ID.
Developer ID signing identities work differently than, say, Apple Distribution ones. An Apple Distribution code-signing identity only needs to be valid at the time you submit your app to the App Store. Thus it’s fine to revoke and re-create its certificate at will. Revoking Developer ID certificates is much more impactful, which is why you can’t do it from the Developer website.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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