Why do I cant download my music?

A month ago I was listening to music in Apple Music but then I saw a song, not anything weird, then I wanted to download it but it took a longer than usual and then an error apeared, I cant upload the picture of the text but it says, "The Song Name / Album / Artist 0% - Stopped (err = -12884)", I uninstall the app and then install it and it fixes, but when i want to enable Lossless Audio, the error appears, the error still aprearing until today and Im tired of uninstalling and installing the app so much times, can anyone help me?

Answered by darkpaw in 826233022

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

Why do I cant download my music?